An Empirical Study on the Influence of Hotel Website on Customer Satisfaction


  • Nimit Soonsan Author


Hotel, website, satisfaction, tourist, Thailand


The Internet is an increasingly important area in an online business. Hotels business can create lots of opportunities through the Internet, for example, they can allow customers to use the website to search for more information, shop for products, and make an online payment. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of different hotels’ websites and how it affected overall customer satisfaction. This study recognized seven characteristics of the hotel website: 1) website playfulness, 2) quality of information, 3) website confidence, 4) website navigability, 5) online responsiveness, 6) personalization of product and service, and 7) opportunities for e-transactions. Regression analysis was used to predict the overall customer satisfaction. The results indicate that website playfulness, quality of information, website confidence, online responsiveness, and opportunities for e-transactions have a positive impact on overall customer satisfaction. Managerial implications to improve overall satisfaction will be discussed in the paper.


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