Challenges and Problems on Farmers’ Access to Agricultural Credit Facilities in Cauvery Delta, Thanjavur District
access, agriculture, credit, farmers, Cauvery Delta, Thanjavur DistrictAbstract
In India, mostly farmers depend on the credit facility provided by the banks to sustain their farming business. These credit facilities would help them to buy farm equipment for modernization and for constructing storage units. The farmers required the credit facilities in all stages of agricultural activities. The Indian government provides assistance to solve the financial problems and also facilitate to get the credit easily. Yet, the farmers are facing challenges to obtain credit facilities from the banks. This paper studies about the issues faced by the farmers to obtain the agricultural loans. The area of the study was Cauvery Delta, Thanjavur District. The sample size was 205. The research design used in this paper was convenience sampling technique. The researcher used Structural equation analysis for data analysis. The result revealed that the processing time taken by the bank was the major challenge, faced by the farmers. It indicated that difficulties in repayment of EMI, surety and collateral, interest rate and documentation also had an impact on obtaining the loans from banks.
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