Customers’ Perception towards the Relationship of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Oman Banking Industry


  • Revenio Jalagat, Jr. Al-Zahra College for Women
  • Perfecto Aquino, Jr. Duy Tan University


Customers’ Perception, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Oman


This study investigates the impact of customers’ perception of service quality and customer satisfaction in the Oman banking industry. It also assesses the perceptions of the respondents on service quality and customer satisfaction in relation to their demographic profile. The quantitative research design was endeavored using inferential statistics and 130 samples were obtained. Key findings depict that, service quality positively influenced customer satisfaction and wherein empathy has the highest relationship and followed by reliability, tangibles, and assurance. However; when the assessment was undertaken between service quality, customer satisfaction, and demographic profile, a significant difference in perceptions on service quality and customer satisfaction was obtained according to age while only difference in perceptions on service quality based on educational level. Based on these findings, preference should be put on the four dimensions on service quality based on the order of priority to achieve sustainable customer satisfaction and consider the age and educational level as important factors on continuous quest to improve service quality in all aspects of bank operations.



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