Students' Self-Efficacy and Motivation on their Academic Performance in using English Language


  • Dr. Juan Rodrigo B. Del Villar
  • Jelijah Napawit STIC


globalization, academic performance, self-efficacy, motivation


Globalization has brought significant changes to the educational landscape which aims graduates to embody professional attributes and competencies. In order to meet the inevitable changes, schools carry the responsibility to ensure the significant academic performance of the students. This study attempts to identify the influence of self-efficacy and motivation on students' academic performance. Mixed method was employed with questionnaires as the main source of quantitative data while open-ended questions with focus group discussions for the qualitative data. Two hundred fifty-four (254) first-year students were utilized as respondents while descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple linear regression were used and complemented the qualitative data. Students’ academic performance was found to have influenced their self-efficacy and motivation. This study hopes to strengthen the motivation of the students in learning the second language by enforcing close collaboration and communication among students through the use of the language. It is also suggested to future researchers to explore factors not included in the study that may have the influence on the academic performance of the students.


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