The Effects of Cooperative Learning Strategies on Sixth Grade Bhutanese Students’ Learning Achievement and Satisfaction in Social Studies Class
cooperative learning strategies, social studies, learning achievement, learning satisfactionAbstract
This mixed method research was conducted focusing on the effects of cooperative learning (CL) strategies on grade six students’ learning achievement and satisfaction in Social Studies. The sample consisting of 30 students from one of the schools in Bhutan were instructed through cooperative learning strategies twice a week for four weeks. Pretest and posttest were administered via 20 multiple choice questions to collect quantitative data. Qualitative data were gathered using students’ reflective journal followed by a focus group discussion. The analysis of the test score through paired sample t-test revealed higher posttest (x̅ =15.50) than the pretest (x̅ =7.37). The significance value of .01 was an indication of increase in the posttest scores. Analysis of the qualitative data within the framework of principles of content analysis proved impactful on students “learning satisfaction.†Hence, cooperative learning strategies are highly recommended for instructing social studies to improve students’ achievement and learning satisfaction.
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