Effects of Laissez-Faire Leadership on Commitment to Service Quality


  • Munwar Hussain Pahi Assistant professor, Indus University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Sanober Salman Shaikh Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
  • Zara Ali Abbasi Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan
  • Noor un Nissa Shahani Alhamd Islamic University, Islamabad , Pakistan
  • Dr. Kamal bin Ab Hamid Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.


laissez-faire leadership, commitment, service quality, hospitals


This study aims to examine the validity of Laissez-Faire leadership style among the medical practitioners. This leadership style has been criticized in the literature as the destructive style of leadership. However, laissez-faire leadership style has been responsive for numerous positive behaviors and outcomes at the workplace. Laissez-faire leadership style has remained permissive with other leadership style types. Nonetheless, in comparison with other leadership styles, its significance has been unexplored especially in domains like commitment and service organization. In this study, the authors analyzed how Laissez-Faire leadership relates to the commitment of service quality. While using self-administered approach, the current study sampled doctors from public hospitals of Pakistan. The Partial Least Square Path Modeling results via Smart PLS 2.0 with 182 retained responses. The results indicated that laissez-faire type of leadership persists, and paramount in the services sector and also showed a significant effect on doctor’s commitment. The current research found a significant impact of laissez-faire leadership on doctors’ commitment. Therefore, from the findings, it is referred that this study holds theoretical and practical implications also suggest future directions. 


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