Impact of New Normal Human Resources Management Practices onWork Engagement: A Study of Manufacturing Companies in Nakhon Nayok, Thailand


  • Nattanan Katekaew Faculty of Business Administration, St Theresa International College, Thailand
  • MD. Abdus Salam Faculty of Business Administration, St Theresa International College, Thailand
  • Rubaba Nawrin Faculty of Business Administration, St Theresa International College, Thailand


Employee engagement, Work engagement, Human resource practices, Workplace support, Compensation and benefits, Health and safety, Communications, Training and development


Employee engagement is an important factor that influences the success of an organization, work efficiency, and employee well-being. This research explores the impact of various human resource practices including workplace support, compensation and benefits, health and Safety, communications, and training and development towards work engagement in the production sector of Nakhon Nayok Province. This study is based on a variety of manufacturing employees. A total of 167 responses were considered for analysis. Regression analysis is used to examine the effect of four human resources practices on employee engagement. The result shows a significant impact of communication, and training, and development on employee engagement at 0.05 significance level. While the impact of the other two HR practice constructs was not significant. It provides insights into the relationship between HR practices and employee engagement. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of increasing organizational performance and employee satisfaction.


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