The Adaptation of Smartphone Addiction Scale


  • Sulphey M M Prince Sattam bin Abdulazziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Swalih M M St. Xavier's College, Trivandrum
  • Philip Mathew Christ Nagar College, Trivandrum


Addiction, Behavioral addiction, Smartphone addiction, Adaptation


In many youth the use of smartphones has acquired pathological proportions, and is creating mental health concerns among communities. This pathological use is known as ‘smartphone addiction’.  The main objective of the study is to adapt and validate smartphone addiction scale.  It is also intended to find out the gender wise difference in smartphone addiction.  The steps followed by the study include item development, data collection, development, and psychometric evaluation.  The study has succeeded in arriving at a 24 item tool, ideal for the assessment of smartphone addiction.  The tool has been constructed based on the adaptation of a few existing tools.  The present tool can be considered to be comprehensive in nature.  All possible care has been taken by the investigators to see that the tool developed in scientific in all respects.  The study has also found that there exists significant difference in smartphone addiction based on gender.  Confirming earlier studies, males were found to have higher levels of addiction.


Al-Barashdi, H.S., Bouazza, A and Jabur, N. H. (2015). Smartphone Addiction among University Undergraduates: A Literature Review, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 4(3): 210-225, DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2015/12245


