Investigating Pakistani EFL Learners’ Beliefs towards written CF and their impact on L2 writing accuracy: The Case of Urban and Rural context


  • Mehmood Ul Hassan Khwaja Fareed UEIT
  • Hisham Dzakiria


EFL learners; beliefs; written CF; writing accuracy; impact


The current study examines the impact of students’ beliefs on using writing CF. By comparing students’ contexts and investigating beliefs about written CF, this study investigated the topic from the cognitive perspective on cognitive and social perspective. 163 university students at Khwaja Fareed UEIT, Pakistan were participants of this study. Students were placed into three groups: direct, indirect, and metalinguistic CF (urban students) and two groups: direct and indirect CF (rural). Data collected through questionnaires and writing prompts in different pre and post-tests and delayed-post-tests were statically analyzed on SPSS version 28. Findings revealed that there were marginal differences in beliefs of both groups of the students and types of the written CF that is the most effective were different between urban and rural students. Besides, beliefs about written CF were found to impact uptake and retention of written CF more on rural students as compared to the urban students.


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