Ego-Identity and Academic Achievement among B.Ed Teacher Trainees
Academic achievement, Ego-identity, Secondary level prospective teachers.Abstract
Ego-identity is an essential aspect of human development. The identity search starts during the period of Adolescence (Erikson, 1968). Ego-identity has two specific dimensions; they are commitment and exploration. The purpose of the present study was to investigate secondary level prospective teachers' ego-identity and academic achievement concerning demographic variables viz. gender, year of study, the stream of study, and learners' generation. A descriptive survey method adopted and convenience sampling technique used to choose a sample size of 95 secondary level prospective teachers. The Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ) (Balistreri, 1995) used as a research tool to collect the data for the present study. The EIPQ consisted of 32 items with a 6 point Likert type scale ranges from strongly agree to disagree strongly. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures employed to analyze the data. The results revealed that the secondary level prospective teachers showed a high ego-identity level. Further, the variables such as year of study, the stream of study, and learners' generation did not influence secondary level prospective teachers' ego-identity level. The study also revealed that there was no significant relationship between ego-identity and academic achievement among secondary level prospective teachers.
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