The Role of Leadership Behaviours and Organizational Culture on Effective Knowledge Sharing; Case of State-owned Enterprises in Pakistan


  • Khawaja Asif Tasneem Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Saba Feroz Quresh


Transformational Leadership, servant Leadership, organizational culture, state owned enterprises, knowledge sharing.


The purpose of the study is to explore the influence of leadership style on knowledge sharing in state-owned enterprises. We also study the role of organizational culture that is cultivated by the servant and transformational leaders in the workplace. A sample of 297 respondents from state owned enterprises of Pakistan was used in the research. Data were collected by conducting a survey and was analyzed through multivariate analysis; PLS “partial least squares†and SEM “structural equation modelingâ€. The results of the study reflect that both leadership styles i.e. servant and transformational, significantly and positively effect knowledge sharing in state-owned enterprises of Pakistan and organizational culture also has a positive and significant mediating role in the relationship between two leadership styles and knowledge sharing process in the targeted state-owned enterprises. The current study provides the mechanisms of organizational culture in terms of systems and procedures which evaluate its impact on knowledge sharing effectiveness in organizational managers with the help of examining the relationship between servant leadership, transformational leadership, organizational culture, and knowledge sharing.



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