Effects of L1 and L2 Subtitled English Movies on Pre-Intermediate Learners’ Comprehension and Speaking Abilities


  • Mohammadreza Valizadeh Department of Translation and Interpretation (English), Faculty of Humanities, Cappadocia University, Cappadocia, Turkey


L1 subtitled; L2 subtitled; movies; comprehension ability; pre-intermediate learners; speaking ability.


The review of the related studies on the advantages of subtitled movies in EFL classrooms indicates that there is no consensus among the researchers. While one group of researchers advocates L2 subtitled movies, the other group supports the use of L1 subtitled movies. This study addressed the impact of L1 and L2 subtitled movies on the language learners' comprehension of and speaking about the movies. A mixed-method research design was used. Three groups of participants (60 pre-intermediate learners) were exposed to three types of subtitles: L1 (Turkish), L2 (English), and standard (no subtitles). The data were collected through researcher-developed tests of comprehension and speaking as well as a semi-structured interview checklist. Results of ANOVA tests revealed that L1 subtitled movies were more effective than L2 subtitled movies which in turn were more effective than original movies. The thematic analysis of the interviews also showed that the participants found subtitled movies interesting, motivating, and authentic.  In conclusion, subtitled movies can serve as mediators and facilitators. Results can be practically implied by EFL teachers and learners. 


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