Flipped Instruction as a Method of Teaching Science in Grade 10
Flipped Instruction, Teaching Method, Science, Grade 10Abstract
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of flipped instruction in teaching science among Grade 10 students. A mixed-method is used to analyze the performance and attitude of the students between flipped instruction and the traditional instructions. An unpaired t-test determined the significant difference in the students' mean gain performances between the control and experimental groups. The findings showed a significant improvement in the students' performance and attitude in flipped instruction. The pre-test revealed that students had less prior knowledge of the science topic and got lower scores. However, after integrating flipped instruction in teaching science, the student's performance improved, and they gained a high post-test scores. Students became more confident and motivated during class activities and developed a sense of interest and readiness for the science lessons. Hence, students learn better in flipped instruction than in the traditional approach to teaching.
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