Factors Enhancing Innovative Work Behavior
innovative work behavior, organizational commitment, innovative climate, management support, innovative skillsAbstract
This article provides a comprehensive review of recent research on factors that influence Innovative Work Behavior in the workplace. The review process involved conducting a literature search using keywords related to innovative work behavior, specifically targeting abstracts, article bodies, and listings used as keywords in studies and articles. To ensure the quality and relevance of the research, the inclusion criteria were set to English-written academic journals, excluding book chapters, conference papers, and reports. A total of 241 articles were examined, with 211 published articles between 2000 and 2021 being used for data collection based on screening their titles and abstracts for content relevance. The review identifies and discusses several influential factors, including organizational commitment, innovative climate, management support, and innovative skills that impact innovative work behavior within organizations. Finally, the article concludes by evaluating a conceptual model that holds promise in effectively enhancing the quality of daily work activities within organizations.
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