The Role of Virtual Professional Learning Communities in the Self-Professional Development of Teachers
Self-Professional Development, Virtual Professional Learning Communities, Teacher’s Education, teachers’ organizational commitmentAbstract
The study examines the role of virtual professional learning communities in improving the self-professional development of teachers in Ha'il region schools, analyzes the barriers to their effectiveness, illuminates their success factors, and proposes a vision for activating (PLCs) virtualization to improve general education teachers' self-development. A descriptive study of 241 public school instructors of all genders was conducted. Three sections comprised the survey. Respondent demographics include expertise, years of experience, and gender. The second is to assess public education instructors' virtual PLC experiences. The third field explores barriers to virtual learning communities' use to improve general education teachers' self-professional development, while the fourth examines virtual PLC success factors. According to research, virtual communities' reality is as high as possible in their average scores, but their weighted average is the lowest, indicating the need for reality development. The requirements for success and the obstacles to activating Virtual PLCs are close; work policies conflict, requiring an analysis of these needs and the organization of teacher training courses to equip them to face these challenges. Virtual PLCs groups help general education teachers improve self-professionally regardless of gender, qualification, stage of school, or experience.
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