A Study of Administrative Factors Affecting the Performance of Using Educational Technology of Basic Education Teachers in Ongkarak District, Thailand.


  • Chikezie Johnson Faculty of Education, St Theresa International College, Thailand
  • Annop Phothisuk Faculty of Education, St Theresa International College, Thailand


Administrative factors, Performance, Basic education teachers


This study aims to find out the administrative factors affecting attitude and actual performance on using technology for the learning management of Basic education teachers; the problems and best practices on administrative support to strengthen the using technology for the learning management. The sample of this research is 81 teachers using a cluster sampling method. The questionnaire contains 46 questions in three areas: the administrative support to use of technology, teachers’ attitude, and the actual use. The tool was validated by three experts in the field. The statistical methods used in this research are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, simple regression. This study shows that administrative factors in overall was at the agree level ( X ? = 3.72, S.D.= .380); the overall attitude is at the agree level ( X ?=3.80, S.D. =.807). This is basically due to teachers’ awareness on the significance of use of technology in education. The actual performance is at the agree level (X ?=3.53, S.D.=.211). The research also found that administrative factors affecting attitude toward education technology = 4.4% (R2 = .044) and the administrative factors affecting actual performance in using education technology by 38% (R2= .383). Therefore, administrators should assist, support, equipped, educate, and improve teachers and administrators of Ongkarak District, Nakhon Nayok, Province Thailand.


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